Wednesday, November 3, 2010

the Red pill

With the click of a button, I unplugged myself from the shared existence we call Facebook. People waste so much energy on things they have no control over. They have arguments and get hostile about mundate things all the time. Why? What's the point? Does it make you a better person? Does it make you feel better? I don't know. I guess people feel the need to connect with the rest of the world that way. I chose to go the opposite route. I'm done with social engineering for now. It's time for me to re-group my thoughts, and focus on the things that matter in my life that I can control.

I chose the red pill. I'm staying in Wonderland to see how deep the rabbit-hole of my mind goes.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


So, I'm starting a blog. Mostly because I feel the need to get stuff off my mind. Secondly because I've been turned off of Facebook.

My blog is called "Exploring my Mind," and that is exactly what I'll be writing about. What makes me tick. Why do I do certain things. Hopefully you'll enjoy following as I travel through the depths of me.
